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Pro Tips for Post-Holiday Self-Care

Chill out!

It’s time to relax and rejuvenate

The gifts have been wrapped, unwrapped and admired. The tree has been trimmed and beautified. The meals have been made and enjoyed. The cookies have been consumed. The family has visited, songs have been sung, hugs have been given and now the holidays are officially over. You did it! Now it’s time to settle in for some good old-fashioned R&R — rest and relaxation, of course.


The holidays can be a stressful, busy time for many of us, so once they’re over, it makes sense to take a little “me time” and focus on self-care. We asked our onsite Wellness Coordinator Jessica Erickson for some of her favorite tips on slowing down post-holiday, and no matter your relaxation style, there’s something on this list that will rejuvenate and refresh you after all those dinners, dances and desserts.


1. Get plenty of sleep. Nothing helps you recover quite like a full eight hours of sleep. Make a point to get the recommended amount of shut-eye by unwinding before bed without any screens, distractions or to-dos. Think a dark, cool and quiet room, cozy blankets and maybe a sound machine.

2. Meditate. Finding a moment of quiet after the chaos of the holidays is so important. If you can’t meditate on your own, try an app (we like Headspace) or a guided meditation with our very own Mister Chakra. Meditation can help reduce stress, improve your self-awareness, reduce blood pressure and improve your focus.

3. Pamper yourself. Did you get a spa gift card in your stocking? Use it! After the holidays is the perfect time to get a massage, manicure, pedicure or a facial — or, you know, all of the above, since you were definitely on the Nice List this year.

4. Unplug. Stay with us here: It’s time to leave your phone at home! Turn off the computer, the tablet, the TV and the phone for an hour or two and do something creative (coloring with your kids counts!) or read a book. You have to admit it’s nice to silence all the noise once in awhile, isn’t it?

5. Take a day trip. You know how refreshed you feel when you return from a vacation? You don’t have to take a week off work to get the same feeling. Find a park or a walking trail within a couple hours’ drive and enjoy the great outdoors. Get some fresh air, some vitamin D and stretch your legs. Or, head to a nearby city to check out local restaurants and attractions. A change of scenery can help provide a fresh perspective and take you away from your day-to-day routine.


Ready to relax? Share your favorite wellness practices and tips with us using @aveda on Instagram Stories!