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BEAUTY | JULY 2, 2019

Long Weekend Recovery

Get back to your wellness habits

and healthy routine

A long weekend is the perfect opportunity to relax, kick back and enjoy the best parts of summer: barbeques, fireworks, a day by the water, time with your friends and family. But after a few days of R ‘n R, you may feel a little off track and ready to get back to your regular wellness routine. If you’re having trouble getting out of holiday mode, these tips from our wellness coordinator Jessica Erickson will help you get back on track.


indulging in a little extra food and drink amongst family and friends during a holiday weekend is normal! Just be sure to get back on track. Replace processed foods with healthier options post-holiday; eat a variety of fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, healthy fats and whole grains. Try making just a few small changes at a time to set yourself up for success. 

A holiday weekend can mess with your sleep patterns, and it’s important to get back to your normal sleep schedule as soon as you can; returning to your regular routine will signal to your body that things are getting back to normal. If you need some help unwinding, try putting your devices away and reading a book or taking a bath 30 minute before it’s time for bed.


If oversleeping is your issue, make sure you get up when your alarm goes off and don’t hit the snooze! Suds up with Rosemary Mint Purifying Shampoo and Weightless Conditioner in the morning to invigorate your senses and get you ready for the day.

Our bodies are composed of about 60% water, so make sure you’re getting adequate hydration throughout the day to maintain this important balance. Water also helps keep your energy up and your skin looking smooth. Bring a refillable bottle to work and try to empty it a few times a day.

Never underestimate the importance of a to-do list! Work and household chores can pile up after a holiday weekend and can feel overwhelming. Keep stress at a minimum by prioritizing what is really important and what can wait. Do just one small thing at a time and you’ll be checking off that list in no time.